Happy 4th!

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. We will get back to regular posts next week. For now let me just say that while you all are thinking red, white and blue….sweet paper is thinking melon.

paint chip art

First, updates: The point of sale software is finalized and installed on my computer. Phew! Now on to entering all the suppliers and products we can’t wait to get in the store. We have also pretty much decided on and sourced our packaging, another phew! We are meeting with Erika from Delphine today to finalize […]

POS, as in point of sale…

Don’t know about you, but every time I say POS I can’t stop myself from thinking of the not so nice (but often useful) phrase “piece of sh*#” rather than what I am actually talking about, which is point of sale. Anyway, we are currently lost in POS land, trying to figure out which system […]


7527 La Jolla Boulevard #1 La Jolla, CA 92037 such a beautiful address don’t cha think? We officially have a home! Yay! Lease is signed, checks cut, both are sealed and will be delivered tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!!!! July 1 we take possession of the cottage. Here it is again just in case you forgot (although […]

the one

We are through the second round of decision making regarding our logo. Erika from Delphine further fine tuned the first selection we made and after much debate and agonizing- we have a clear winner. Yay! Now we are on to selecting the exact right perfect colors… The design process is such an interesting one and […]

paper + wine

I’m sure it was only a matter of time before it became obvious to all peeps reading this blog that my sis and I share a love of wine in addition to our love of paper. We often indulge in both at the same time, because why would you not??? Tonight, as most nights, we […]

slow speed ahead…

We are constantly moving forward, but sometimes it seems like we are moving at a snail’s pace! I usually prefer to move at the speed of light, so the waiting that is inherent in business dealings is difficult for me. Friday we met with the landlord at our little cottage to go over necessary and […]


I had a great conversation with Debbie from Smock yesterday. I can’t say enough good things about Smock and am so pleased to be able to tell you that we will be carrying Smock’s wedding and social occasions albums. Where to start with the Smock accolades….well first, they are dedicated to being a truly green […]

more good things

Our fantastic Monday was topped off with sketches of logo design ideas from Erika of Delphine. I’m not sharing any yet, you’ll have to wait until the final design to get a peek, but we are excited to be making progress on our identity! Recently, we got word that the wedding album from 42pressed has […]

good things

Today was a big day for sweetpaper! This morning I gave my notice at work (cheers! horray! woohoo!). In just three weeks I will be fully devoted to all things sweet. I cannot wait to be free from the corporate grind and dive headfirst into opening the store. As soon as I left my semenax […]