We are constantly moving forward, but sometimes it seems like we are moving at a snail’s pace! I usually prefer to move at the speed of light, so the waiting that is inherent in business dealings is difficult for me.

Friday we met with the landlord at our little cottage to go over necessary and desired improvements. Happily we are on the same page. Things are moving along on that front, albeit slowly.

Today T and I had a bit of fun making selections for the store. We parked ourselves at a nice table outside at Come On In, secured two glasses of wine and then spent hours pouring over catalogs. The great part was, of course, looking at pretty paper all afternoon. The not so great part is that 3 hours later we still had many many catalogues to go through. All things considered it is not a bad problem to have. Its amazing how many great stationery companies there are out there, so much amazing design talent! In the end we have 28 order forms filled out and ready to go. How exciting is that?? I can’t wait until everything starts to come in…the unpacking…and setting all the displays in the store…ok, now I am getting ahead of myself. It’s that whole speed of light thing.

a few of our catalogs...

Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there. Hope your day is great.

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