letterpress love

We spent some more time over the weekend in what we hope to be our new home. We can clearly see the diamond hidden under the peeling paint, unfortunate ceramic floors and layers of dust and cobwebs. We took measurements, discussed where we would put the invitation albums, the greeting cards, the candy, the check […]

sweet slings

As a mom of four I have tried about every baby carrier on the market. I have never loved one as much as I love my Sakura Bloom Baby Sling. In addition to being the easiest to use and most comfortable baby carrier I have ever owned, they are by far the most beautiful I […]

fabulous boutique looking for a home….

I almost did not want to post today because I thought you all would start to get sick of the up and down, back and forth we’ve been dealing with trying to find a home for sweetpaper. Then I remembered, that is the whole point of a blog and I am writing to communicate what […]

2 steps forward, 1 step back

At least it’s still forward motion right? Some of the improvements we wanted to make to our potential space (ie: tearing down a pesky wall) have been denied. Partly due to said wall’s concrete nature, tres inconvenient.  Now we need to decide if we can create a fabulous interior with said wall in place. I think we […]

it’s here!

My sister arrived just in time to help me open up our first wedding album! We were very excited yesterday to receive twig & figs’s couture wedding invitation album. It’s more of a box than an album, a beautiful fabric covered box o’ sweet invitations. The fabulousness inside that box is vast and profound to […]

It shipped!

Lots of exciting things happening this week in sweetpaper’s world. I just got an email confirming shipment of one of the wedding books we ordered at the National Stationery Show. Yippee!  I think it should be here Wednesday…stay tuned! About the only thing more exciting than our couture invitation line arriving this week, is the […]


I have located a spot that has promise!! It could, with a little finesse, be sweetpaper’s home. There are many hurdles to clear in order to make it happen so I am trying to be objective and patient. Not easy! I am also plugging away developing relationships with some of the best wedding invitation companies […]

ups and downs

We had the best time at the National Stationery Show. We met so many amazing and talented designers and can not wait to bring all their fabulous products to San Diego. Then….we came home  to find that our retail space had been given to another. We did pause for a moment of sadness, but know […]

Just getting started!

Thanks for stopping by. We are just getting started with our blog/website/internet presence, so come back soon! We are currently at the National Stationery Show finding oodles and oodles of amazingly wonderful paper goods to share with you all! We can’t wait!