
Today we received boxes from Pikku and bluepoolroad. Two of my favorites- I just love both of these lines. The design and quality are amazing. Here are some snapshots of pikku– these paper notions are better in person that in pictures. bluepoolroad by Peggy Wong- really beautiful paper and design. Please check out her website […]


We spent another 5 hours today canvasing every store imaginable for furniture/display pieces for the shop. Phew- it is an exhausting process and I am just not as adept at the furniture thing as I would like. Paper- I can do. I am good at paper. Furniture…well I struggle. Here is the table we are […]

Bride’s Seat

Yesterday my brother-in-law Matt helped us pick up some furniture and bring it to the shop (a hearty thanks to him for his help). Probably our favorite furniture purchase so far is this fabulous bench- which will be the very special seat for our very special bridal customers. Still on the list to purchase is […]

The floor is in!

I stopped by the shop this morning to see our new floors! They were installed yesterday and the whole place looks so much better. In case you forgot- here is a reminder of what it looked like before (ie before we tore out the sinks, patched over the door, painted everything and redid the floors): […]


What do you think of the new look? While this is not our final final- it is a definite improvement over our previous cookie cutter blog. We do have a beautiful logo (designed by Erika of Delphine) and have just not had the time to have a proper “ta da VigRX” moment. Honestly- I think […]

Back from Holiday

We are home from holiday and have spent the last 48 hours diving back into the swing of things. It feels good to get back to sweet paper and this blog, which has been grossly neglected yet again. I was spurred into a new post when I found myself paralyzed by a candle order form. […]

in construction mode

We are selecting floors, paint, deciding where lights will go, and buying furniture that does not fit…. It can’t be all good all the time right? We happened upon an “estate sale” this weekend and picked up a pair of very cool mirrors and an amazing antique china cabinet. The cabinet is great, once it […]


I know, I know- I have been totally neglecting my beloved blog. It’s been a tough 7 days, let me tell ya (in addition to 4 kids home for the summer and starting a business, we moved out of our house for 2 months- don’t ask). I can at least say that while I have […]


We are off and running!! Lots of progress, many great things happening and so much more work to be done- all of which is leaving my head spinning…but we are doing great! We’ve had a few meetings with a great handyman who is going to help us spruce up 7527- he should be starting next […]