Attention Brides!

I know as we head into the holiday season the focus shifts away from everything else and onto Halloween, then Thanksgiving and finally a December packed full of holidays. However, if you are planning a wedding now is the perfect time to select and order your invitations! We have amazing promotions going on right now […]

They’re Here!

This is the silent (aka blog-o-phobic) sister, conquering my fears because I am beyond excited about and am thrilled they are here! Made from salvaged hardwood and topped off with Anna Bond’s lovely designs, these recipe boxes are fabulous. I can’t wait to add one to my own kitchen counter top!

New at Sweet Paper

Everyone loves the fortunes found inside fortune cookies. I actually don’t like fortune cookies, but will bite into one just to get to the fortune inside. There are thousands of fortunes tacked to cork boards and hiding in peoples wallets all over the world. Luckily for fortune collectors the world over, all San Diego residents- […]

Sweet Paper in the News!

Our grand opening made it in the local paper! I sort of knew we might be in there- the photographer did after all come to the event- but it is no less thrilling! Anyone who knows me knows I have a total phobia of being in the paper- so I think I did pretty well […]

Great Holiday Promotion from Smock

We here at Sweet Paper love Smock, we’ve posted about their fabulousness before (see with you ASAP. Come on in, we would love to help you get a head start on this year’s holiday cards! Or give us a call- 858.456.1446- to make an appointment.

Grand Opening

It was a great day at Sweet Paper on Saturday. Thank you to all the amazing peeps that came out to celebrate with us. T and I had so much fun! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. My good friend Allison took great pictures of the day for us- here […]

Swag Bags you don’t want to miss!

As you all know, tomorrow is our Grand Opening Celebration. Woot Woot! We are very excited and can’t wait to see everyone! The store is all spiffed up, the champagne for the Bellini’s is chilling and the swag bags are all ready. A very big THANKS to everyone who contributed to our fabulous bags o’ […]

No Better Planner…

As a mom of four little ones- I have tried about every organizational tool out there. And while I know that everyone has their technology these days- (iPhone, Blackberry, computer), there really is nothing like being able to look at your schedule in plain old ink, on plain ol’ paper. My fav planner on the […]

Sweet Paper featured on Delphine Ephemera Blog

It is very exciting for us to be featured on the Delphine Ephemera Blog! Not one, but two posts- hooray! You can check them out here and here. Here is a picture Erika took of our notecards- I love this pic. You can really see the texture of the 100% cotton paper and the crisp […]