We spent some more time over the weekend in what we hope to be our new home. We can clearly see the diamond hidden under the peeling paint, unfortunate ceramic floors and layers of dust and cobwebs. We took measurements, discussed where we would put the invitation albums, the greeting cards, the candy, the check out counter. We have lovingly named a little closet the cloffice- because it will become sweetpaper’s tiny little center of operations. We dreamed where the signage should be and how cute a little refurbished chair would look next to the fireplace (yes, there is a fireplace inside- does it get any sweeter?). Then we came home, crafted a proposal, and sent it off to the landlord. We hope to hear back tomorrow.
We left a little letterpress love inside the cottage, just to keep good vibes going. Before placing it on the mantle- T had a bit of fun taking pictures of it all over the cottage. Here is one of my favs:

This letterpressed bookmark was a giveaway at the Wiley Valentine booth at the National Stationery Show last month. We love their vibe and their beautiful work. We will be offering plenty o’ Wiley Valentine at sweetpaper soon!
Good luck with the lease!
What’s on the second floor?
That is the cutest cottage! It’s perfect for Sweet-paper…..Read T’s post too!
We’ll keep the vibes coming your way! And a fireplace…..